The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1



Excerpt from

The Yahushaic Covenant Volume 1
by Rav Sha'ul

Jesus is not the proper translation into Greek
by Rav Sha'ul



As a matter of fact, the name ‘Jesus’ did not even exist in the English language 400 years ago—as evidenced by the fact that it was not recorded in the original 1611 King James Bible. But let's dissect that name anyway as that has come to be the accepted name of the Messiah today we need to address it.

If the first part of the name 'Ιη' (Ie) comes from 'Iehovah' following the Jewish superstition not to use Yahuah thereby using Elohim in the vowel points resulting in ignorance of the name Jehovah.

The Century Bible, Volume 1, pages 90-91

Sometime after the return from the Captivity, and before the beginning of the Christian Era, the Yahdaim (Jews) came to believe that the Holy Name Yahuah was too sacred to be uttered on ordinary occasions. It was said to be pronounced by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement. At other times, when any one read or quoted aloud from what is called the Old Testament, the word "Adonay","Lord," was usually substituted for Yahuah, and similarly the LXX (Septuagint Version) has Kurios, the Vulgate dominus, and the e.v. lord, where the Hebrew has Yahuah. Hebrew was originally written without vowels, but when the "vowel points" were added, the vowels of "Adonay" or "Elohim" were written with Yahuah, as a direction that these words were to be read instead of the word whose consonants were Yahuah; thus we find the combinations YeHoWaH and YeHoWiH. At the Reformation, the former being the more usual, was sometimes used as the Name of the (Mighty One) of Israyl, and owing to ignorance of its history was misread as "Jehovah," a form which has established itself in English, but does not give the pronunciation of the Holy Name it represents.

Therefore the prefix of the name Je or (Ie) is in error. But does the suffix 'σους' (sous) mean 'saves' or 'salvation' in the Greek of the New Testament period?  No.

We know for a fact that "Iesous" was not then the proper way to translate the "intent" of the name given the Messiah that ‘Yahuah is salvation’ even in Greek or Latin. The Greek word for "salvation" is Strong’s entry 4991 soterion it is not sous.

Strong's Number: 4992

soterion, adjective. Meaning saving, bringing salvation he who embodies this salvation, or through whom God is about to achieve it in the hope of (future) salvation

So if the translators were even true to their own language it would not have been translated "Jesus" or "Iesous" but rather "Iasoterion". It must be obvious by this point where the suffix "seous" came from. Jesus holds to the Greek tradition of naming people after their pagan god of the Pantheon… Zeus.

Why did the translator use "sous" instead of "soteria"? Greek naming conventions give glory to Zeus

It should be noted at this point that the Greeks had a similar naming convention as did the Hebrews. Where the Hebrews used “YAH” in the construction of their names giving glory to Yahuah, the Greeks ended names and cities using “sous/sus/us” after their own god Zeus. Take for example the name of Julius Caesar “Gaius Julius” or the name of the Roman Emperor Constantine who literally created Christianity “Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus”. The suffix “us” was added to Greek and Roman names to give glory to Zeus where Yah was added to Hebrew names to give glory to Yahuah. Jesus is just such a Greek name like all Greek names ending in "us" that gives glory to Zeus!

Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend

“It is known that the Greek name endings with sus, seus, and sous were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honor to their supreme deity, Zeus." "This name of the true Messiah, Yahusha, being Hebrew, was objectionable to the Greeks and Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews), and so it was deleted from the records, and a new name inserted. Yahusha was thus replaced by Ie-Sous (hail Zeus), now known to us as Jesus."

Iesous in Greek

So Yahusha is English for the Hebrew name of the Messiah (anointed King of Israel) and Jesus is the name of the Greek “savior” or Christos. It is that simple. But what does “Iesous” mean in Greek. It has no meaning in Hebrew; as it is not a Hebrew word. In Greek, “Iesous” literally translated means “Hail Zeus”. The name “Jesus” didn’t even exist until the 4th Century and was a later derivative of the late Latin Esus (pagan female god of salvation which later became Hesus or Hail Zeus then when the "I" grew a tail and became "J" it was Jesus.

The Origin of Christianity by A.B. Traina

"It is simply amazing to think that all these years, hundreds of years, mankind has been calling the Saviour by the wrong name!! It's hard to give up the name of Jesus because it's so deeply ingrained in us and much has been said and done in that name."

Gospel of The Kingdom True Names and Title Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley 1931 - Ohio USA

"In the 1611 KJ New Testament the name Yahusha appeared originally wherever the Messiah was spoken of. Yahusha means “Yahuah is Salvation”. Later the Messiah's name was replaced with Iesus (Greek) which later in the 1600's it became Jesus starting with the new English letter "J" which was introduced at that time. Further, the Greek "Iesus" comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon."

Gospel of The Kingdom True Names and Title Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley 1931 - Ohio USA 80

We see in historical documents that the name “Jesus” did not even come into existence until the 1600’s when the letter “J” was introduced into our English language. So the name “Jesus” is only around 400 years old! The Greek "Iesus" comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God in the Greek pantheon. "Jesus” is a transliteration of a Latin name only ONE letter off “Ioesus” pronounced hey-sus - which has no meaning in Hebrew, but in Latin it means “Hail Zeus”. If Yahusha’s name had been transliterated into our language, it would have been Joshua. If the name was treated properly using the compound naming convention Yahuah intended it would be YAH(weh)SHUA shortened to “Yahusha” using the short contracted form maintaining the meaning of the name and fulfilling prophecy that the Messiah “came in the NAME of Yahuah”.

If the name was handled properly in Greek by the uninspired pagan scribes, it would hold true to the “meaning” of the name as given by the Angel to Joseph and Mary; then “shua” or salvation would have been translated “soterion or soter” not “sous”. So we see a gross mis-handling of the Messiah’s name at best but when you look back in history we see a Hellinization of the name with the intent to give glory to the pagan god Zeus.  So both the prefix of "Ie" and the suffix of "sous" are in error and are mistranslations of the Hebrew name Yah and shua. If the Greek translators handled the Hebrew name properly it would have been translated into Iasotera which would be Yah-savior in Greek. In the 21st century we have no need to trace the Messiah's name through pagan Rome. We, today, can simply translate it directly from Hebrew to English leaving out all the transliteration errors going from Latin/Greek and all the English variations.

That name is Yahusha… directly from יהושע

Luke 13

35 “Look, your house is left to you desolate. I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahuah."


Next: The Spirit of the Antichrist - the doctrine of Incranation


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