Terms and Conditions of EVERY Agreement (Covenant)
by Rav Sha'ul


Your Question:
Fully explain Deuteronomy 5:2,3 and Galatians 3:17.  The law of Moses could not be a permanent covenant for several reasons.  First and foremost, it was added because of transgressions.  (Galatians 3:17,19).  Then, it was described by Paul as coming 430 years after the promise of the Kingdom to Abraham.  The gospel was preached to Abraham first.  It is described as a "tutor" that we are no longer under.  That covenant with Israel was with them alone and NOT their forefathers.  (Deuteronomy 5:2,3).  The book of Deuteronomy clearly says that the covenant at Sinai with Moses was NOT made with anyone but them who were alive that day.


First, there is no Law of Moses there is only a Covenant of Moses.  And it is not the Covenant of Moses in question.  It is the Law of YHWH we are discussing.  I never said the Covenant of Moses was permanent, it is not.  The Law of YHWH and His Commandments are terms and conditions of the Covenant of Moses.  They are permanent while the covenant changed. 
Secondly, what was added because of transgression was the Written Law of YHWH in full detail.  What came 430 years after the promise to Abraham was the Written Law in detail, not The Law itself.  And the promise to Abraham was not the Kingdom that was given in the Davidic Covenant.  What was promised to Abraham, was that from his seed would come the Passover Lamb (not the Kingdom) and that Passover Lamb would abolish the Certificate of Debt, not The Law or The Commandments.  This is going to be complicated since you are mixing terms.  I will need to do some defining of terms and clarifying of concepts to answer this question properly.
I am so glad you asked this specific question, however, it is VERY GOOD!  It clearly demonstrates how poorly we all have been taught the Word of YHWH.  It is a pretty complex question.  So be patient as I build the answer so that it is fully understood. First allow me to clarify a very important mis-conception before we continue.  I see that you are using the terms Torah/Law/Sinai interchangeably.  And mixing terms such as Law of Moses when it is the Law of YHWH.  You cannot do that as they are not the same things.
The Torah ... The Mosaic Covenant ... The Law ... ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS
The Torah is the first five books in Volume I (Old Testament if you must) of your Bible.  The Torah covers multiple covenants including the Everlasting Covenant of the Sabbath, The Edenic, The Adamic, The Noahic, The Abrahamic, The Mosaic, and The Davidic as well as many stories of the mighty acts YHWH performed for His People. 
The Torah is NOT the Mosaic Covenant at Sinai.  The Mosaic Covenant or what you call Sinai is NOT The Law.  The Law is a "term and condition" of The Mosaic Covenant which is one of many covenants covered in The Torah.
The Mosaic Covenant is an agreement between two parties, YHWH and the Nation of Israel.  This Covenant or Agreement includes "terms and conditions" one of which is The Law.  As we see below the Mosaic Covenant included His Commands, His Decrees, and His Laws.
Deut. 5
 30 "Go, tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you stay here with me so that I may give you all the commands, decrees and laws you are to teach them to follow in the land I am giving them to possess."
This is extremely important when we get into understanding "what changed" from the Abrahamic Covenant to the New Covenant with Yahusha.  You see, any time there was a change in the parties involved in a covenant between YHWH and mankind, or the terms and conditions changed or, man violated the covenant... YHWH established and signed a new modified agreement.  This is why we have 7 covenants over time as things changed.  Only one was Everlasting, that was The Sabbath Covenant as the Sabbath Covenant was not made between YHWH and mankind, but rather between YHWH and CREATION... and it was made FOR mankind (not with).  So man could not mess that one up.  We will get into that later in another email. 
The other 6 were with mankind and over time required changes, amendments, additions, etc.  Below are the 7 covenants 6 of which are covered in The Torah and the 7th is what we call The New Covenant or the New Testament:
    1. The Sabbath Covenant - The Everlasting Covenant between YHWH and Creation.
    2. The Edenic Covenant - Between YHWH and mankind signed with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam broke it requiring a new agreement.
    3. The Adamic Covenant - Between YHWH and mankind signed with Adam after the fall.  Over time, the terms and conditions expanded and the scope was limited to a single family requiring a new agreement.
    4. The Abrahamic Covenant - Between YHWH and the descendants of Abraham signed with Abraham.  Over time, the terms and conditions expanded and the scope expanded to a nation requiring a new agreement.
    5. The Mosaic Covenant - Between YHWH and the Nation of Israel signed with Moses.  Over time, the people of Israel demanded a human King violating the terms and conditions requiring a new agreement.
    6. The Davidic Covenant - The Mosaic was amended with promises of a Righteous Eternal King, an eternal Kingdom, Jerusalem, the Temple, etc. and a new agreement was signed with King David.
    7. The Yahushaic Covenant - The promises made in all previous covenants were fulfilled in the Messiah, the Certificate of Debt or "His Decrees" levied against us in the Mosai were paid, so the terms and conditions changed.  His Decrees were replaced with Grace and the Laws were transposed to Spiritual Intent and His Commands were strengthened to attitude of heart not physical act.  All requiring a new agreement signed with Yahusha called The New Covenant.
That in a very simplistic nutshell is the story told in the Bible from the standpoint of covenants.  And as you can see, the page that separates Volume I and II in your Bible that says OLD and NEW should be torn out.  We really have one revelation consisting of progressive revelation over time through covenants.  But the false doctrine of "Replacement Theology" prevailed and we now have Old and New.  That too is another story.
My point here is that The Laws are a subset of the Mosaic Covenant which is one of many covenants in The Torah.  They cannot be used interchangeably.  Let's move on... fully understanding The Torah was not abolished.  That is simply ridiculous.  There were changes required leading from the Mosaic Covenant to the Yahushaic Covenant as the scope changed and the terms and conditions strengthened and transposed.  And there was even something abolished!  And that is where the confusion comes into play. 
So WHAT exactly was abolished? 
The Torah?... absolutely not.  The Mosaic Covenant?... not really it just needed to be amended.  The Law?... no it was strengthened to attitude of heart not merely the physical act.  His Commandments?... no they were transposed to Spiritual written on our hearts. 
So WHAT WAS ABOLISHED???  What was it that totally went away never again to exist in any form?
The Certificate of Debt Nailed to the Cross
The Certificate of Debt in the Mosaic Covenant WAS nailed to the cross and "abolished".  This is where the confusion is.  False Teachers in the Christian Church today lump all the "terms and conditions" together into the Mosaic Covenant and then lump all the covenants between YHWH and man together into The Torah and in one fail swoop abolished the entire Torah.  When the only thing that WAS abolished was His Decrees against us found in the "terms and conditions" of the Mosaic Covenant called  The Certificate of Debt.  This Certificate of Debt was replaced by the Blood of the Lamb.  Grace replaced The Certificate of Debt.  You see, YHWH included in the Mosaic Covenant at Sinai the following "terms and conditions":
  • His Commandments (10 Commandments)
  • His Laws (Dietary, Priestly, Sacrificial, Ritual Purity, Sacrificial, Judicial, Moral, Agricultural, Business, Sabbatical, Community, Prohibition, Tithes/Offerings, etc.)
  • His Decrees (Judicial Judgments amounting to a Certificate of Debt against us for our disobedience to His Commandments and His Laws)
Let me side track while I am on this topic to go ahead and cover a verse sure to come up in this discussion.  His Decrees were basically judicial judgments for breaking His Commandments and His Laws which amounted to a "Certificate of Debt" we all owed to YHWH.  Which in short required our deaths to pay it back.  Since no one could keep all His Commandments and His Laws... the Certificate of Debt was in effect issued to every man, woman, and child keeping us all in bondage to Sin and Death NOT in bondage to The Torah or His Law or His Commandments.  This is very important!  Because it was this Certificate of Debt consisting of His Decrees against us for our transgression that Paul said was "nailed to the cross" in Col 2:14-16:
Col 2:14-16
"Having canceled out the certificate of debt (levied against humanityconsisting of decrees (penalties for transgressing His Commands and His Laws) against us and which (these decrees which amounted to a certificate of debt) was hostile to us (because we did not keep His Commandments); and YHWH has taken it (the certificate of debt not the Torah) out of the way (sacrificing His Passover Lamb to cover us), having nailed it (the Certificate of Debt... THE DECREES AGAINST US for falling short of His Commandments and His Laws... NOT the entire Torah) to the cross.
You see, YHWH nailed that Certificate of Debt which were His Decrees against us found in the "terms and conditions" of the Mosaic Covenant to the cross and said "PAID IN FULL" by the Blood of the Passover Lamb, Yahusha.  Requiring a New Agreement or New Covenant since now the "terms and conditions" had changed.  He paid the debt we owed for violating His Commands and His Laws.  He didn't nail The Torah OR His Commands OR His Laws to the cross.  He nailed His Decrees to the cross.  And they are not the same things...
Deut. 5
 30 "Go, tell them to return to their tents. 31 But you stay here with me so that I may give you all the commands, decrees and laws you are to teach them to follow in the land I am giving them to possess."
I just wanted to clear that up before I continue.  Demonstrating the Mosaic Covenant is not The Torah.  And the "terms and conditions" of that covenant are separate from the Covenant which is an agreement between two parties to abide by the "terms and conditions" which are His Laws, His Commands, and His Decrees.  And it was ONLY His Decrees that were apposed to us that were abolished.  This is important to your question that we understand the difference as to not be misled.  And ONLY His Decrees against us known as the Certificate of Debt has been abolished.  Nothing else. Everything else (His Laws, His Commandments) strengthened and transposed.  Now back to your original question.
The Agreement between YHWH and the Nation of Israel called The Mosaic Covenant
Now to the real question you asked. 
Fully explain Deuteronomy 5:2,3 and Galatians 3:17.  The law of Moses could not be a permanent covenant for several reasons.  First and foremost, it was added because of transgressions.  (Galatians 3:17,19).  Then, it was described by Paul as coming 430 years after the promise of the Kingdom to Abraham.  The gospel was preached to Abraham first.  It is described as a "tutor" that we are no longer under.  That covenant with Israel was with them alone and NOT their forefathers.  (Deuteronomy 5:2,3).  The book of Deuteronomy clearly says that the covenant at Sinai with Moses was NOT made with anyone but them who were alive that day.
First let's address specifically Deut. 5.  Remember, the entire conversation we have entered into is... have His Commandments and His Torah and His Laws all been abolished by the Spirit of Love?  You are using His Laws and His Commandments and His Torah interchangeably in error and then calling His Laws "the Law of Moses" when you really mean the "Covenant of Moses" and if I were your student I wouldn't know the difference.  And you could easily mislead me. 
So focusing on the exact question you are REALLY trying to ask is not easy. 
The question above you say "The Law of Moses could not be permanent" when Moses had no "Law".  The Law was YHWH's.  Then you reference Deut. 5 when that is talking about the Covenant of Moses which is NOT The Law of YHWH.  The Law of YHWH is a "term and condition" of that covenant NOT the covenant itself.  Now you begin to see where the value of a REAL TEACHER comes in.  We have all been so misled by false teachers that so much confusion clouds our minds.  And in all our "learning" we teach the "Spiritual Children" who don't know any better... lumping the Certificate of Debt in with His Laws and His Commandments calling it all The Torah and abolishing it all!  So let's sort it all out.  So we can accurately be True Teachers of His Word, not False Teachers.  Because those who rely on us expect us to have our facts and terms correct.
We are talking about His Commandments and His Laws and if they been abolished.  I already demonstrated they weren't, it was His Decrees or Certificate of Debt that was.  You are trying to use Deut. 5 to prove His Laws and Commandments were abolished, when Deut is talking about the agreement (covenant) not the terms.  Then you phrase the question "The Law of Moses" when you really mean the "Covenant" of Moses but implying the Law of YHWH could not be permanent using Deut. 5 to prove it.  Very confusing Dee. 
So to answer your question.  There is no Law of Moses only The Law of YHWH.  And that is NOT the Covenant of Moses but one of the Terms and Conditions of that Covenant.  And Deut. 5 is specifically talking about the Covenant of Moses not the Law of YHWH.  So the implication you are making that The Law and The Commandments of YHWH were only with Moses and the Nation of Israel is incorrect.  It was the Agreement or Covenant between YHWH and Moses that was with the nation of Israel at that time... The Law and the Commandments were "terms and conditions" of EVERY COVENANT, not just the Covenant of Moses.  Below, Deut. 5 is clearly talking about the Covenant of Moses was only with them and I never debated that.  We are debating The Law and The Commandments which were terms and conditions.
Deuteronomy 5
 1 Moses summoned all Israel and said: Hear, O Israel, the decrees and laws I declare in your hearing today. Learn them and be sure to follow them. 2 The LORD our God made a covenant with us at Horeb. 3 It was not with our fathers that the LORD made this covenant, but with us, with all of us who are alive here today.
It was THE COVENANT not the terms that was made with them and not their forefathers.  I already demonstrated in the previous email that YHWH DID convey verbally His Laws and His Commandments to Abraham/Isaac/Jacob... they are integral parts of The Master Plan as I demonstrated in the last email and are involved in EVERY covenant as "terms and conditions"...
Gen 26:5 - KJV
5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws .
Ps 147:19-148:1 - KJV
19 He sheweth his word unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel. 20 He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.
Now you see why I had to first lay the foundations I did in the first two emails.  We could never have this discussion outside the Big Picture.  Because without an understanding of terms and the Master Plan you can never understand His Word. 
So here is my answer.  No, His Law and His Commandments were not just with the Nation of Israel at the time of Moses.  The Covenant between the Nation of Israel and YHWH signed by Moses WAS.  That is what Deut. 5 says.  Now to Galatians 3.
Ritualistic  Adherence to The Law (a term and condition) does not grant Salvation... Salvation is based on The Promises of YHWH
Below is your question as I understand it.
Galatians 3:17.  The law of Moses could not be a permanent covenant for several reasons.  First and foremost, it was added because of transgressions.  (Galatians 3:17,19).  Then, it was described by Paul as coming 430 years after the promise of the Kingdom to Abraham.
Again, the Kingdom was promised to David not Abraham.  Two different covenants.  What was promised to Abraham was the promise of salvation through his SEED or the Passover Lamb as demonstrated to Abraham when he attempted to sacrifice Isaac. 
Now lets see what Paul was saying in Galatians 3.  Paul was addressing salvation.  The Jews had lost sight of the fact that salvation is based on the Promises of YHWH and Rabbis began teaching that ritualistic adherence to The Law was the path to salvation.  Paul was correcting this false teaching.  Paul was reminding the Galatians that salvation is based on the Promise of the Passover made to Abraham through his SEED!  YHWH promised a Passover Lamb and the blood of that lamb (his seed) would save us from the second death.  Righteousness (not salvation) was based on loving obedience to The Law.  Ritualistic adherence to the "letter" was nothing more than bondage!  That is what Paul is talking about in Galatians.
Galatians 3
The Law and the Promise
 15 Brothers, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. 16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed,"[g] meaning one person, who is Christ. 17 What I mean is this: The law (in context WRITTEN LAW), introduced 430 years later (as a "term and condition"), does not set aside the covenant (a "term and condition" is not a covenant) previously established by God and thus do away with the promise. 18 For if the inheritance (of the promise of salvation) depends on the law (a term and condition only), then it no longer depends on a promise; but God in his grace gave it to Abraham through a promise (not that YHWH didn't also give Abraham His Law as a "term and condition"). 19 What, then, was the purpose of the law (it was a term and condition of every covenant)? It was added because of transgressions (the Written Law was added so we know our transgressions in detail to fully define the "terms and conditions" of the covenants) until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come (to abolish the Certificate of Debt and provide Grace in light of our transgressions which The Written Law defined in detail).
Your question implies the Law of YHWH (which you mistakenly refer to as the Law of Moses implying it was a human law) only came into existence 430 years after Abraham:
Galatians 3:17.  The law of Moses could not be a permanent covenant for several reasons.  First and foremost, it was added because of transgressions.  (Galatians 3:17,19).  Then, it was described by Paul as coming 430 years after the promise of the Kingdom to Abraham.
It was NOT created 430 years later it was introduced in written detail as a term and condition of the Mosaic Covenant
Galatians 3:17
17 What I mean is this: The law (in context WRITTEN LAW), introduced 430 years later
I already demonstrated it existed in verbal form at the time of Abraham as clearly stated in Gen 26:5 that Abraham obeyed HIS VOICE ... YHWH verbally communicated HIS LAW:
Gen 26:5 - KJV
5 Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws .
What was "added" was written detail of His Laws that have always existed to fully define the terms and conditions of the Mosaic covenant because our transgressions were so great at the time of Moses requiring a new modified agreement.
I believe what you were implying with your question is that The Law and The Commandments of YHWH were only between Israel and YHWH for that time only and not made with Abraham, since that is the topic of conversation.  The Law of YHWH and His Commandments are permanent.  It is a permanent part of the "terms and conditions" of every covenant YHWH has made with man.  What was added or rather INTRODUCED 430 years after Abraham was the WRITTEN form in full detail of His Law that was verbally communicated to Abraham.  And it was added in full written detail because of the multitude of transgressions committed between the time of Abraham and Moses, requiring a new agreement to fully spell it out.
What was between the Nation of Israel and YHWH at that time was the Covenant of Moses.  And it was not permenant.
The Torah is not the Covenant of Moses.  The Covenant of Moses is not the Law of YHWH.  The Law of YHWH is not the Certificate of Debt - that is His Decrees.  We need to get our terminology correct because using them interchangeably, is where the entire false doctrine that, "the Law or The Torah or The Commandments, or all of the above were abolished".  It was the Certificate of Debt consisting of His Decrees that were abolished. COVENANTS are what have changed over time.



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