The Antichrist Revealed!

Excerpt From
The Antichrist Revealed!
Rav Sha'ul
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Physical to spiritual parallel of The Abomination of Desolation
by Rav Sha'ul 


Keeping this one very important fact in mind:

Isaiah 48

3 I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them (to my prophets) and I made them known (through physical shadows); then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass (Spiritually).

The “key” to understanding The Word of YHVH is through physical to spiritual parallels.  We have established in scripture that in The Yahushaic Covenant (the covenant we are in) at the time of the end when the true Abomination of Desolation occurs; transposition has taken place:

·       The Temple of YHVH is the human body

·       The Alter of YHVH is the hearts/minds of man

·       The Sacrifices to YHVH are expressing faith through action

·       The False Messiah is a false image of Yahusha

·       The Transgression of Desolation is the abolishment of The Law

·       The Abomination of Desolation is the sacrifice (expression of faith) in the most abominable animal a pig on The Alter of YHVH our hearts that destroys The Temple of YHVH our body

Let’s examine what Yahusha said in the Gospels about the prophecy spoken by Daniel:

Matthew 24:15-16

“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)

Notice Yahusha qualifies this statement with “let the reader understand”.  Yahusha used such phrases to indicate physical to spiritual parallels. 

Luke 8:8 – “When he said this (finished the parable of The Sower), he called out, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”

Luke 8:10

10 He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of The Kingdom of YHVH has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’

Yahusha is telling us that to understand the prophecy in Daniel you must have spiritual eyes to see and understand with your mind.  He is telling us that the prophecy in Daniel conforms to YHVH’s standards of first foretelling the event, then giving us a physical shadow to study, then fulfills the event in The Spirit. 

Isaiah 48

3 I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them (to my prophets) and I made them known (through physical shadows); then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass (Spiritually).

We must employ the key of physical to spiritual parallels to “see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel and only then can the reader understand” with their Spiritual Mind.

Matthew 24:15-16

“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)

As I stated earlier, YHVH gave Daniel a vision of The Abomination of Desolation that was fulfilled by Antiochus IV as the physical shadow and later by 666-as written in GreekJesus Christ in the realm of The Spirit.  Yahusha is telling us to study Daniel from with a spiritual mind if we are ever to understand the spiritual parallel.

Let us now employ the key to understanding The Kingdom of YHVH and define the true Spiritual Abomination of Desolation that occurs “at the time of the end” by the physical shadow picture of Antiochus IV.

The Physical Shadow

Antiochus IV worshipped Mitha the sungod keeping the Babylonian religion of sun worship.  The rituals of Babylonian sun worship are the rebirth of the sun on December 25th.  The sacrifice is the pig of Ishtar celebrated on Easter by eating a ham.  Antiochus believed himself to be the incarnation of God.  Antiochus abolished The Law of YHVH, outlawed keeping The Sabbath and by decree ordered the keeping of Sunday.  Antiochus outlawed the Festivals of YHVH and ordered the keeping of the pagan rituals of sun worship.   Antiochus sacrificed the most abominable beast, a pig, on The Alter of YHVH to Zeus (the Roman version of Mithra).  Antiochus ordered all in his realm to worship Zeus and killed all those true sons of YHVH who would not bow down to the religion of sun worship.

When you look at the above physical shadow picture of The Abomination of Desolation fulfilled in Antiochus IV it would appear that the Roman Emperor Constantine used that as his playbook in creating the false religion of Christianity.  Constantine literally patterned the new composite deity of his new religion 666-as written in GreekHesus Horus Krishna after Antiochus IV and Mithra.  Constantine too converted to Mithra and it is simply a legend that he ever converted to YHVH in The Yahushaic Covenant.  Constantine remained until his death “committed to the invincible sun”.  I cover all of this in my book Christianity – The Great Deception.

Let us now look at the physical shadow of Antiochus IV and understand the spiritual parallel, I took the exact same physical parallel of Antiochus IV description above and I inserted the name “Jesus” for “Antiochus IV” below:

The Spiritual Parallel to Antiochus IV

Jesus is a later incarnation of Mitha the sungod keeping the Babylonian religion of sun worship.  Jesus represents the rituals of Babylonian sun worship which are the rebirth of the sun on December 25th, the sacrifice is the pig of Ishtar celebrated on Easter by eating a ham, etc.  Jesus is said to be the incarnation of God.  Jesus (by Papal Decree) abolished The Law of YHVH, outlawed keeping The Sabbath, ordered the keeping of Sunday, outlawed the Festivals of YHVH, and ordered the keeping of the pagan rituals of sun worship.   Jesus is the sacrifice of the most abominable beast, a pig, on The Alter of YHVH to Zeus (the Roman version of Mithra).  Jesus (through The Pope) ordered all in his realm (the Earth) to worship Zeus (Jesus means Hail Zeus in Latin) and killed all those true sons of YHVH who would not bow down to the religion of sun worship (the inquisition, crusades, and countless wars in the name of Jesus).

666-as written in GreekHesus Horus Krishna is the composite deity created in the image of the Babylonian Tammuz the second member of the Babylonian Trinity of Isthar/Tammuz/Ba’al.  Jesus Christ is a composite deity fashioned after the later versions of Tammuz in other cultures to bring together all the religious factions of Rome under Constantine:

·       Mithra is the Assyrian or Middle Eastern version of Tammuz and the second member of the trinity “ahuras”

·       Hesus is the Celtic Druid version of the Babylonian Tammuz who is the second member of the Celtic Trinity.

·       Horus is the Egyptian version of the Babylonian Tammuz and the second member of the Egyptian Trinity of Isis/Horus/Seb.

·       Krishna is the Eastern Hindu version of the Babylonian Tammuz and the second member of the Hindu Trinity of Brahma/Krishna/Shiva

NOTE: I cover all of this in detail in my book Christianity – The Great Deception.

All of the above mentioned were pagan Christos or Christs and were all said to be demi-gods being the incarnation of the sun god.  They were all worshipped on Sunday.  They were all born on December 25th.  Their sacrifice was on Easter it was a pig.  Their followers dating back hundreds of years before Yahusha came were called CHRISTIANS notably those who followed Chistos Mithras in Rome and later those who followed Christos Jesus or 666-as written in GreekXESus.

The new “Christ” called 666-as written in GreekHesus Horus Krishna (which over time became known as Jesus H. Christ known by Greek Christogram 666-as written in Greekand the associated pictogram XES) was said to be the real Messiah and through syncretism the lives of life of Yahusha was merged with the image of Jesus H. Christ.  Yet everything “Jesus” stands for is polar opposite of the true Messiah Yahusha found in The Bible.  The False Messiah or false image of the true Messiah was born.

If perfect keeping with the physical shadow of Antiochus IV, this new Roman 666-as written in GreekFalse Messiah is a spiritual carbon copy or fulfillment of the physical shadow.  In the case of The Abomination of Desolation…

Isaiah 48 NOTE: below I inserting the specific case of the A/D into this scripture

3 I foretold The Abomination of Desolation long ago, my mouth announced it to my prophet Daniel and I made it known through a physical shadow in Antiochus IV.  Then suddenly I acted, and The Abomination of Desolation came to pass spiritually in 666-as written in Greek Jesus Christ as my mouth had announced to my prophet John.

Next: The Abominable Sacrifice of a Pig on Easter


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