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Chapter 13

In this chapter, John looks into The Heavenly Scroll and sees a beast with seven heads rise out of the sea. I will identify this “beast out of the sea” so there is no doubt about what John is revealing. As this beast comes out of the nations (as dispersed at the Tower of Babel), the people of Earth look in amazement at the ability of this beast to conquer nations and cause mankind to worship it (it is a religion).

This beast is source of the world’s pagan religions and so controls the inhabitants of Earth. Over the Age of PISCES, this beast wages war not only on Yahuah’s Chosen, but on all the people of Earth and is drenches in their blood.

Following the rise of the first beast, a second beast is seen as “coming from the Earth”, the Earthly Beast. The most abominable “beast” in Scripture is the Pig… so in prophetic terms this is the “Earthly Pig”. This Earthly Pig has a false prophet through whom it speaks like a or THE Dragon. This Dragon is the source of both the first and second beast. The False Prophet has two horns like a lamb and exercises its authority on behalf of the beast and is filled with The Spirit of the False Messiah.

This False Prophets speaks blasphemies against the Most High and causes all who worship the beast to get its mark (the mark of the X or Tau) on their forehead. Without which, no one can buy or sell in its realm which is the “known world” at that time… The Roman Empire then greater Europe.

In this Chapter, John is given the exact hallmarks of this “beastly system” and the one who would be called “the Lawless One” and “Antichrist”. We are given multiple identification marks by which to clearly identify this False Messiah. The one whom the Earth will worship in what will become, over the Age of PISCES, the largest religion on Earth. This religion will be known by the Mystery Religion of Babylon upon which it is based.


Physical to Spiritual Parallels

In the Book of Daniel, we see Daniel given a vision of 4 physical kingdoms that would arise in the Age of ARIES the Lamb.

Meyer's NT Commentary

Daniel portrays four worldly kingdoms succeeding one another (the Chaldean, Medan, Persian, and Greek), and that, too, in such a way that the forms of beasts which symbolize the first three kingdoms are not only like a lion, a bear, and a Leopard, but also bear within themselves other significative marks, while the fourth worldly kingdom is represented under the form of a monster, not specifically determined, as, on the one hand, by the great iron teeth, the power of this kingdom, devouring and crushing all, and on the other, however, by the ten horns, beneath which again a small horn comes forth corruptibly, it is symbolized how Antiochus Epiphanes finally rises as the blasphemous usurper of the Greek Empire ruled by the ten kings successively.

Daniel 7 tells of these world-kingdoms replaced by the Kingdom of Yahuah to be governed by The Son of Man (Yahusha). Four beasts come out of the sea, Yahuah sits in judgement over them, and "one like a son of man" is revealed as the fulfillment of The Heavenly Scroll and anointed King by Yahuah. These beasts are interpreted by an angel as 4 kingdoms and kings. The last kingdom will make war with the Elect but will be destroyed by the Son of Man who is given dominion and power.

Daniel was looking forward in history when he wrote the Book of Daniel and described the kingdoms to come in Daniel 7 with imagery and symbolism:

  • The lion: Babylon. The first beast, Babylon, is transformed into a man and is given a “human mind”. His wings are plucked reflecting its loss of power and authority as it is thrown down into a human state.

  • The bear: the Medes – compare Jeremiah 51:11 on the Medes attacking Babylon.

  • The Leopard: Persia. The four heads may reflect the four Persian kings of Daniel 11:2–7.

  • The fourth beast: The Greeks and particularly the Seleucids of Syria.

In the Book of Revelation, John was looking back and described them in reverse order as he saw them in history. The beast in Revelation is a Spiritual composite of the attributes of the 3 kingdoms described by Daniel into one beast, we call the Revived Roman Empire:

Revelation 13:2

The beast I saw resembled a Leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.


Revived Roman Empire – The First Beast

We must understand that Rome followed Dagon the Dragon and the Babylonian Mystery Religion when it made this religion the State Religion of Rome.

Revelation 13:3

One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound (Rome conquered Babylon), but its mortal wound was healed (the Babylonian Religion conquered Rome), and the whole Earth marveled as they (Rome) followed the beast (of Babylon).

As I explain on page 57 under The Dragon - Where did Satan come from, it is a matter of historical fact that the Mystery Religion of Babylon was literally and FORMALLY transferred from Babylon to Rome (when Rome conquered Babylon) .... This Mystery Religion of Babylon became the state religion of Rome was then refashioned at The Council of Nicaea and renamed Christianity. This is the true origin of Christianity and the identity of the First Beast that came “out of the sea” who is Dagon the Babylonian Fish God.

Many prophecy teachers today in Christianity expect a coming world order they call the Revived Roman Empire. This physical country will fulfill the prophecy in Revelation Chapter 13. They are also expecting a physical Kingdom of God to defeat it with a flesh and blood King Yahusha to rule it. This is a fairytale, the beliefs that the last Kingdom of the Dragon and the Kingdom of God are physical kingdoms is a myth. The Kingdom of Yahuah that Yahusha governs is a Spiritual Kingdom.

John 18:36

Yahusha answered, “My Kingdom is not an Earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”

So too is the beast in Revelation that opposes it. It is a Spiritual battle “in high places” taking place at the end that is the culmination of The Battle of the Ages laid out in the stars.

Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places.

The Final Kingdom that Conquers the Earth and Reigns for 42-Months

When Rome fell, the title of the Emperors “Pontifus Maximus” was revived by the Catholic Church and given to the Pope. Over the Age of PISCES, the Popes ruled over what was left of the Roman Empire from the seat of the Church in Rome. It even expanded its reach through massive bloodshed and control over the people. Almost every King during this time was either coronated by the Pope or had formal diplomatic relations with the Vatican State. Those who did not had their entire population excommunicated from the faith and faced the wrath of all the armies under the control of the Papacy. The Papacy had power to literally declare any King heretical and powerless to rule called The Papal Deposition Power:

The papal deposing power was the most powerful tool of the political authority claimed by and on behalf of the Roman Pontiff, in medieval and early modern history, amounting to the assertion of the Pope's power to declare a Christian monarch heretical and powerless to rule.

Another power of the Papacy over Kings and Kingdoms was the Interdict.

The Interdict

While not widely imposed today (although it has been in modern times and remains an option), was a powerful disciplinary tool of the Church during the Middle Ages. It denied Church sacraments and public worship to an individual, a region or state not willing to adhere to the laws of the Church (i.e., subject to the Pope). Once imposed, the interdict remained in effect until the wrong has been corrected, which might last for only a brief period or extend out for years.

This awesome power combined with the power over the people in every country/kingdom made the Pope the most powerful ruler on Earth. The Papacy believed its Pope was “lower than God, higher than man, and the mediator between the two”. We see in just this one example the power the Pope wielded as “the Father of Kings and Governor of the World”.

Pope Innocent III and the interdict

In Catholic Church history, one of the most famous controversies, and most famous crises between Church and state, between pope and king, took place in the early 13th century. The antagonists were Pope Innocent III and King John of England.


Pope Innocent III

When Lotario di Segni, who took the name Innocent III, was elected pope in 1198, it was immediately clear that he would be dominating in his role as supreme pontiff. His intent was to effectively reign as spiritual leader over millions of Catholics and, even more vigorously, use the powers of the Church to control the ruling houses of Europe… He expanded papal supremacy to new heights and successfully interfered in the role of state governments to the extent that, during his papacy, eight European countries became vassals of the Holy See.


On the day he was installed as pope, he told those assembled, “Who am I myself or what was the house of my father that I am permitted to sit above kings, to possess the throne of glory (the Dragon sat himself on The Throne in Heaven (which is the Glory of God Psalm 19)?” He continued speaking of himself, “See therefore what kind of servant he is who commands the whole family. He is the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the successor of Peter … he is the mediator between God and man, less than God, greater than man” (“Innocent III: Vicar of Christ or Lord of the World?” edited by James M. Powell). Until that time, all popes were considered and called the Vicar of Peter, but Innocent announced that he was the Vicar of Christ. In this capacity, he viewed his authority over the Christian world as without limit.


Innocent, schooled in law and wise beyond his 37 years, would use many means, including excommunication and the interdict (an ecclesiastical censure) to exercise Church influence over kings and kingdoms. Pope Innocent III used or threatened this disciplinary action multiple times, the most notable being against King John and the entire country of England.


History is not clear if the English populace rose up against King John. In fact, there is some evidence that many were angry with the Church. They began to question the sincerity and teachings of the Church if the sacraments could be taken away through no fault of the faithful. Without the clergy’s influence, it did not take long for heresies to surface; crime and vice increased. The pope realized that neither the excommunication nor the interdict was having the effect he expected, so in 1212, Innocent deposed King John and encouraged King Phillip of France to invade England and take the throne.

Yet the most powerful tool in the arsenal of Papal Authority over the Earth is called Papal Disposition.

The papal deposing power was the most powerful tool of the political authority claimed by and on behalf of the Roman Pontiff, in medieval and early modern thought, amounting to the assertion of the Pope's power to declare a Christian monarch heretical and powerless to rule.


Pope Gregory VII's Dictatus Papae (c. 1075) claimed for the Pope "that it may be permitted to him to depose emperors" (12) and asserted the papal power to "absolve subjects from their fealty to wicked men" (27).


Oaths of allegiance held together the feudal political structure of medieval Europe. The principle behind deposition was that the Pope, as the ultimate representative of God from whom all oaths draw their force, could in extreme circumstances absolve a ruler's subjects of their allegiance, thereby rendering the ruler powerless. In a medieval Europe in which all confessed the Pope as head of the visible Church, it gave concrete embodiment to the superiority of the spiritual power over the temporal—the other side, so to speak, of the role of Popes and bishops in anointing and crowning emperors and kings.

Christianity is the final “Kingdom” that is governed by the False Messiah (Jesus Christ who it is said is “King”) and his Prophet (the Pope). Prophecy teachers today miss this important distinction that the last Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom. The False Messiah is an imposter “King” has sat himself on the Throne in Heaven in opposition to the true King Yahusha the Messiah. The battle is for the Throne in Heaven.

In the image above, we see the Dragon battle the Son of Man for control of The Throne in Heaven (The Heavenly Scroll first picture). First by putting the pagan demi-gods on that throne (picture 2). Then by elevating Hesus Horus Krishna aka Jesus H. Christ on that throne (3rd picture). Covering both sides of the issue, the Dragon uses the corrupted Zodiac to influence creation through magic. (4th picture).

They miss this obvious Truth because they have taken the Mark of the Beast (believe in incarnation) and committed the Abomination of Desolation (sacrifice the Easter Pig of Ishtar on the altars of their hearts stopping the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb on their behalf destroying their body/temple) leaving them blind, deaf, and dumb to the meaning and fulfillment of Revelation. They have denied its source, The Heavenly Scroll, and do not proclaim the “word of his testimony” to the nations. I said a lot there. For more information on this see my book The Antichrist Revealed!

The Antichrist Revealed! By Rav Sha’ul available on all online bookstores

This Spiritual Kingdom, with its capital The Vatican City, is a formal country in itself with a flag and coat of arms.

It is the world’s longest and most powerful international institution! Just consider for a moment the coat of arms and its meaning! Below is the meaning behind the symbols: “father of Kings, governor of the world, vicar of Christ” from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven." Jesus to Peter in the Gospel of Matthew, 16:19


The crossed gold and silver keys of the Holy See symbolize the keys of Simon Peter, representing the power of the papal office to loose and bind. The triple crown papal tiara symbolizes the triple power of the pope as "father of kings", "governor of the world" and "Vicar of Christ". The gold cross on a monde (globe) surmounting the tiara symbolizes the sovereignty of Jesus.

The Catholic Church exercises authority not based on physical boundaries, but Spiritual belief. It has subjects in every country on Earth. Over a billion people world-wide who pledge their loyalty to the church above the state. All worship a “man who died” above the Creator… which is blasphemy of The Holy Spirit see Romans 1.

Romans 1

“18 The wrath of Yahuah is being revealed from (the) Heaven(ly Scroll) against all the godlessness and wickedness of people (battle between Orion the Son of Man and the Dragon), who suppress the truth (of the One and Only Elohim, Yahuah, John 17:3) by their wickedness (denying Yahuah’s Immortality claiming He came to Earth and died!), 19 since what may be known about Yahuah (that He is Invisible, Col. 1:15 and John 1:18 and 1 John 4:12 and Hebrews 11:27 and 1 Timothy 6:16 and Ex. 33:20 and Job 9:11 and 1 Timothy 1:17 and Romans 1:20 and not a man, Numbers 23:19 and Hosea 11:9) is plain to them, because Yahuah has made it plain to them (through Creation, The Heavenly Scroll, and His Word). 20 For since the creation of the world (written into the stars called The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19, 119:89, 89:2) Yahuah’s Invisible qualities—his Eternal Power and Divine Nature (immortality)—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made (creation, the stars), so that people are without excuse (for denying the Messiah Galatians 1, he is portrayed in The Heavenly Scroll). 21 For although they knew Yahuah, they neither Glorified Him as the Invisible, Immortal Elohim nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile (believing in Incarnation) and their foolish hearts were darkened (by Yahuah so they could not “see the Truth” in Scripture). 22 Although they claimed to be wise (Hebrew Roots Teachers, Christian Pastors, Catholic Priests etc.), they became fools 23 and exchanged the Glory of the Immortal Elohim for images made to look like a mortal man who died!” (they were full of The Spirit of the False Messiah and idolized the Messiah who died, and blasphemed the Creator) … 28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the Knowledge of Yahuah (that He is IMMMORTAL and INVISIBLE and SPIRIT), so Yahuah gave them over to a depraved mind (they do not understand the Scriptures), so that they do what ought not to be done (blaspheme the Holy Spirit/Ruach which declares Yahuah is an Immortal Invisible Spirit NOT a mortal man who died).”

The Catholic Church is by far the wealthiest organization on Earth. They collect no taxes, they have none of the expenses of a traditional state (roads, armies, healthcare, etc.) and control multitudes of billions of dollars more than many most developed nations. The Roman Catholic Church is almost certainly the wealthiest organization in the world. In the United States alone, it is estimated that the Catholic Church has an operating budget of $170 billion. By comparison, in fiscal year 2012, Apple and General Motors each had about $150 billion in revenue worldwide!

No one outside the Vatican knows for sure how much money the church has, because—unlike every other category of tax-exempt “nonprofit” organizations—religious organizations in the United States are not required to submit basic financial reporting to the IRS.


Dripping in the blood of the Saints

The Catholic Church is the bloodiest organization or country in the history of humanity. Solely responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths. Many of these deaths by the most inhumane forms of torture… below are just a few quotes from historians on the brutality of this beast:

"History of Romanism," pp. 541, 542. New York: 1871
"From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of popery.”


W. E. H. Lecky says:
"That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history. The memorials, indeed, of many of her persecutions are now so scanty, that it is impossible to form a complete conception of the multitude of her victims, and it is quite certain that no power of imagination can adequately realize their sufferings." -- "History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe," Vol. II, p. 32. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910.


Popery an enemy to civil liberty, 1836, pp. 104-105
In one word, the church of Rome has spent immense treasures and shed, in murder, the blood of sixty eight millions and five hundred thousand of the human race, to establish before the astonished and disgusted world, her fixed determination to annihilate every claim set up by the human family to liberty, and the right of unbounded freedom of conscience.


The Roman Catholic Religion viewed in the light of Prophecy and History, New York, Charles K. Moore, 1843
The best writers enumerate fifty millions of Christians destroyed by fire, and the sword, and the inquisition; and fifteen millions of natives of the American continent and islands; and three millions of Moors in Europe, and one million and a half of Jews. Now, here are sixty-nine millions and five hundred thousands of human beings, murdered by “the woman of the Roman hills, who was drunk with the blood of the saints.” And this horrid list does not include those of her own subjects, who fell in the crusades in Asia, and in her wars against European Christians, and in South America!


M. D. Aletheia, The Rationalist's Manual (1897)
Let us look for a moment at the number of victims sacrificed on the altars of the Christian Moloch: -- 1,000,000 perished during the early Arian schism; 1,000,000 during the Carthaginian struggle; 7,000,000 during the Saracen slaughters. In Spain 5,000,000 perished during the eight Crusades; 2,000,000 of Saxons and Scandinavians lost their lives in opposing the introduction of the blessings of Christianity. 1,000,000 were destroyed in the Holy(?) Wars against the Netherlands, Albigenses, Waldenses, and Huguenots. 30,000,000 Mexicans and Peruvians were slaughtered ere they could be convinced of the beauties(?) of the Christian creed. 9,000,000 were burned for witchcraft. Total, 56,000,000.


538AD-1798AD – The Papacy Reigns for 42-Months

The beast was given 42-months to reign (1,260 days in prophetic language). There are two options for days in prophecy, the “day = 1,000” year principle or “day for a year” principle. Using the day for a year principle we see that the sea beast of Revelation 13 is given power to continue for 1260 years.

The little horn in Daniel was given power to continue for this amount of time. (Daniel 7:25; A time, times and dividing of time is 1260 prophetic days, or 1260 literal years). This is the exact time the Catholic Church reigned over the nations from 538AD which is the year the Roman army under Belisarius, routed the last of the tribes (the Ostrogoths) that opposed Roman Universal (pagan) Church.

Thomas Hodgkin, Italy and Her Invaders, vol. 4

Driven from their place, the Ostrogoths, under Witiges, set a siege upon the city in 537, which they maintained an entire year. When a second armed force arrived against them in 538, they could hold out no longer, and in March of that year they retreated. Although two years later they attempted to regain control of Rome, they were unsuccessful. With their withdrawal from the city in 538, their power in Rome had ended. (For documentation on these events see Thomas Hodgkin, Italy and Her Invaders, vol. 4, pp. 73-113, 210-252; and Charles Diehl, "Justinian," in Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 2, p. 15.)

This reign over the nations came to an end in 1798AD when Napoleon ordered his French army into Rome to take the Pope captive and the Roman Catholic Church lost it's direct power over kings.

Joseph Rickaby, "The Modern Papacy," the History of Religions, Vol. 3

"When, in 1797, Pope Pius VI fell grievously ill, Napoleon gave orders that in the event of his death no successor should be elected to his office, and that the Papacy should be discontinued. But the Pope recovered; the peace was soon broken; Berthier entered Rome on 10th February 1798, and proclaimed a Republic. The aged Pontiff refused to violate his oath by recognizing it, and was hurried from prison to prison into France. Broken with fatigue and sorrows, he died . . . [in] August 1799, in the French fortress of Valence, aged 82 years. No wonder that half Europe thought Napoleon’s veto would be obeyed, and that with the Pope the Papacy was dead."

The Battle is with a Spiritual Kingdom

While the false religion of Christianity has us all looking for a final world government and physical “kingdom” at the end, the Christian Church based in Rome has literally conquered the Earth for its King Hesus Horus Krishna aka Jesus H. Christ known as in Revelation 13 and all paintings of this pagan god in antiquity. This symbol identifies the beast in paintings of “Jesus Christ” as it is his symbol. It was written in the upper right corner and it is the sign made by this false messiah using his left hand with the equidistant cross (the symbol of the corrupted zodiac) behind his head.

It is this beast that was seated on the “Thone in Heaven” the center of the zodiac again with the corrupted zodiac behind his head, the symbol of the beast in the upper right corner and making the hand sign of the beast. The image below is blasphemy!

The Throne in Heaven taken by force!

Matthew 11:12

And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the Heavens is taken by violence and the violent seize it.

As I demonstrated earlier, the Popes (who speak for The Dragon and the Beast Jesus H. Christ aka Hesus Horus Krishna) declared that THEY sit on the Throne of Glory:

Pope Innocent III

When Lotario di Segni, who took the name Innocent III, was elected pope in 1198, it was immediately clear that he would be dominating in his role as supreme pontiff. His intent was to effectively reign as spiritual leader over millions of Catholics and, even more vigorously, use the powers of the Church to control the ruling houses of Europe… He expanded papal supremacy to new heights and successfully interfered in the role of state governments to the extent that, during his papacy, eight European countries became vassals of the Holy See.


On the day he was installed as pope, he told those assembled, “Who am I myself or what was the house of my father that I am permitted to sit above kings, to possess the throne of glory (the Dragon sat himself on The Throne in Heaven (which is the Glory of God Psalm 19)?” He continued speaking of himself, “See therefore what kind of servant he is who commands the whole family. He is the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the successor of Peter … he is the mediator between God and man, less than God, greater than man” (“Innocent III: Vicar of Christ or Lord of the World?” edited by James M. Powell). Until that time, all popes were considered and called the Vicar of Peter, but Innocent announced that he was the Vicar of Christ. In this capacity, he viewed his authority over the Christian world as without limit.

What is “the Throne of Glory” … It is The Heavenly Scroll (Psalm 19 and Enoch 35:3)

Enoch 35:3
I Blessed Yahuah Author of Glory (The Heavenly Scroll Psalm 19:1), Who had made those Great and Splendid Signs (of the Zodiac), that they might display (to all mankind Deut. 4:19) the Magnificence of the Works of His Hands (The Plan of Salvation Psalm 19) to Angels and to the souls of men (His Divine Counsel); and that these (Splendid Signs in The Heavenly Scroll) might Glorify all His Works and Operations (The Plan of Salvation); that we might see the effect of His Power (as Creator to Write His Plan into the fabric of Creation on Day 4 and control the flow of history and fulfill His Promise); and The Heavenly Scroll might Glorify the Great Labor of His Hands (and we might come to know Him Romans 1, Yahuchanon/John 8:19 and His Son Psalm 19); and Bless Him Forever.


Psalm 19

1 The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

and Yahusha sits on THAT throne not the Popes. It is Yahusha who is the Mediator between God and man…

1 Timothy 2:5

For there is One God (Yahuah) and one Mediator between Yahuah and mankind, the man (not the God) Yahusha the Messiah!

We do not battle against a physical kingdom and king at the end. There will be no physical world government (beast), no physical antichrist king over it, no physical mark to identify it! This battle we fight laid out in the stars is over the Throne in Heaven against a Spiritual Kingdom and King lead by the Dragon itself.

Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly places.


Isaiah 14
13 You said in your heart: “I will ascend to the Heavens (The Heavenly Scroll); I will raise my throne above the stars of God (and take the Throne in Heaven by force Matthew 11:12). I will sit on the mount of assembly, in the far reaches of the north. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like (an image of) the Most High.”15 But you will be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit (Revelation 12:9)

We would do well to remember this when understanding the Book of Revelation.


The Mark of the Beast - X

In this Chapter, John identifies the Greek letters Chi, Xi, and Sigma ( ) as the symbol of the Beast and his mark is the first letter “X” or “Tau” which is the Cross of Tammuz and Jesus H. Christ the False Messiah (who is a later incarnation of the Babylonian demi-god Tammuz). That is in the original language which has been altered and in error replaced by 666 (which is forbidden to do Revelation 22:19, Deut. 4:2, Psalm 30:6). I will use that same symbol in is chapter to identify the beast Hesus Horus Krishan aka Jesus H. Christ. For more information and overwhelming proof, read my book The Antichrist Revealed! or watch my two-hour documentary on my YouTube Channel:


The Antichrist Revealed! By Rav Sha’ul. Available on all online bookstores.

With that introduction let us now examine what John was given to identify the “beast”. We read in Revelation Chapter 13 the Beast brings about his own worship by controlling commerce (buying and selling). The chief aspect of Mystery Babylon in this chapter of Revelation is worldwide commerce. In History we see this very thing fulfilled as Roman Religion forced the world to worship Jesus H. Christ and submit to his false prophet the Pope.

In Revelation 13:17 we see that those who do not take the mark of Jesus Christ are prohibited from commerce within his realm. Is this referring to some futuristic physical “mark” or biochip in our forehead and hand as is being taught today? Will there come a day, yet future, when we who do not take this barcode or biochip cannot “buy/sell”? Ask yourself. Is this not exactly what everyone is expecting? Would YOU take a barcode on your forehead? Of course not. No one would we all have been conditioned to look for this very thing.

Or have we simply overlooked the obvious in history because we are unwilling to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the beast and Christianity is the second beast a religion that spung up around the first beat? The “Mark” of Jesus is the as in X-mas. It is the belief in the Trinity and mark over your forehead and heart.

If we simply take an honest look throughout history, we see that Christianity has outlawed “buying and selling” specifically for all those who do not bow down to the authority of The Pope who claims to be the Vicar of Christ (representative of Jesus Christ on Earth) and accept the specific mark “ ” on their forehead for . 

We see below the Mark of the Beast is the sign of the Cross the first letter of the symbol of the beast and those who do not have that mark were forbidden to “buy or sell” throughout history:

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

the mark, or the name—Greek, "the mark (namely), the name of the beast (Revelation 13)." The mark may be, as in the case of the sealing of the saints in the forehead, not a visible markbut symbolical of allegiance. So the sign of the cross in Popery . The Pope's interdict has often shut out the excommunicate from social and commercial intercourse.


Clarke's Commentary on the Bible

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark – "If any," observes Bishop Newton," dissent from the stated and authorized forms (of Christianity); they are condemned and excommunicated as heretics; and in consequence of that they are no longer suffered to buy or sell; they are interdicted from traffic and commerce, and all the benefits of civil society.


Roger Hoveden relates of William the Conqueror,
that he was so dutiful to the pope (Prophet of ) that he would not permit any one in his power to buy or sell any thing whom he found disobedient to the apostolic see (The Pope).


The canon of the council of Lateran, under Pope Alexander III.,
made against the Waldenses and Albigenses, enjoins, upon pain of anathema, that no man presume to entertain or cherish them in his house or land, or exercise traffic with them (that do not follow Papal authority for ).


The synod of Tours, in France, under the same pope, orders,
“under the like intermination, that no man should presume to receive or assist them, no, not so much as hold any communion with them, in selling or buying; that, being deprived of the comfort of humanity they may be compelled to repent of the error of their way (against )."


It was ordered by a bull of Pope Martin the Fifth,

“that no contract should be made with such, and that they should not follow any business and merchandisesave he that had the mark ; took the oath to be true to the pope, or made a public profession of the Popish religion: or the name of the beast; Papists, so called from the pope”


Clarke's Commentary on the Bible
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark - "If any," observes Bishop Newton, "dissent from the stated and authorized forms; they are condemned and excommunicated as heretics; and in consequence of that they are no longer suffered to buy or sell; they are interdicted from traffic and commerce, and all the benefits of civil society. So Roger Hoveden relates of William the Conqueror, that he was so dutiful to the pope that he would not permit any one in his power to buy or sell any thing whom he found disobedient to the apostolic see. So the canon of the council of Lateran, under Pope Alexander III., made against the Waldenses and Albigenses, enjoins, upon pain of anathema, that no man presume to entertain or cherish them in his house or land, or exercise traffic with them. The synod of Tours, in France, under the same pope, orders, under the like intermination, that no man should presume to receive or assist them, no, not so much as hold any communion with them, in selling or buying; that, being deprived of the comfort of humanity they may be compelled to repent of the error of their way." In the tenth and eleventh centuries the severity against the excommunicated was carried to so high a pitch, that nobody might come near them, not even their own wives, children, or servants; they forfeited all their natural legal rights and privileges, and were excluded from all kinds of offices. The form of excommunication in the Romish Church is to take lighted torches, throw them upon the ground with curses and anathemas, and trample them out under foot to the ringing of the bells. It is in this and similar ways that the false prophet has terrified the Latin world, and kept it in subjection to the secular and spiritual powers. Those interdicted by the two horned beast from all offices of civil life are also such as have not: - The name of the beast, or the symbol of his name (Revelation 13).


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