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Chapter 13


The Promise of Living Water fulfilled in Yahusha "the water bearer"

The Age of Aquarius is the age of The Water Bearer who Mikveh’s the Earth in preparation for The Kingdom Age. The Age of Aquarius (which begins to transition from Pisces in 2017) is marked by the Sign of the Birth Son of Man in the sky (on Yom Teruah).

NOTE: I am not stating the Messiah returns on this date, I am just saying the Age of Aquarius begins to transition on this date because of this sign. Per the book of Revelation, there is still 3.5 years from the date we see the Sign of the Birth of the Son of Man in the sky as the age transition occurs on September 23, 2017 for the transition to end possibly with The Sign of the Return of the Son of Man. Please see my book The Wedding Invitation for more info.

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What about... the Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer?

What does this Age mean in the Zodiac, and how does Yahusha Fulfill it? Is the Age of Aquarius in Scripture? Shouldn’t the Prophets speak of this Age? Shouldn’t there be an annual rehearsal in the Feast Cycle for it, since it is the Fulfillment of the Fall Feasts and The Heavenly Scroll?

Yes...Yes... and YES!

There certainly is, but we are not properly taught the meaning of Scripture, and do not have “eyes to see” the Mystery Language in which it is written, all while, denying The Heavenly Scroll. As I demonstrate in my book, Creation Cries Out! The Mazzaroth, the means by which Yahuah revealed the Plan of Salvation to Enoch, then Abraham, and then to all the Prophets was via the Mazzaroth, also known as The Zodiac or Heavenly Scroll…

I showed how Ezekiel and John’s visions were describing Enoch’s Zodiac in great detail. I explained how the Heavenly Scroll is a Divine Clock Proclaiming the Sabbath, the first and second comings, and every Age or Epoch of mankind.

The 4 wheels within a wheel, eyes of the Zodiac Signs all around, 4 beasts crying out "Holy, Holy, Holy" before the King standing at a podium, that looks like a rainbow, about to open the sealed book. The 24 stars/elders fallen at his feet. The other 4 beasts with 2 wings stationed at the 4 corners of the "wheel"... a perfect match! The Prophets understood the “secret” message contained in the Stars; and they wrote about the Plan of Salvation describing it as they were told to “behold!” The Heavenly Scroll!


Enoch’s Illustration of The Heavenly Scroll described in detail by David, Ezekiel, Job, Daniel, and John the Revelator.


age of aquraies.jpgBut what about The Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer? Where is that in Scripture? Where is the annual rehearsal for that?

Good questions. We see in Isaiah Chapter 44, that Isaiah understood the meaning of the Age of Aquarius:

Isaiah 44:3

For I will pour out water on the thirsty land And streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring And My Blessing on your descendants; 4 And they will spring up among the grass like poplars by streams of water.'

Now look at the symbol of the Age of Aquarius! It is the Messiah pouring out water to Mikveh the Earth and Poplar Flowers spring up fed by Living Water from Heaven. Read again, what Isaiah just said in 44:3 above, and compare to this image!







Isaiah speaks of this again in Isaiah Chapter 12

Isaiah 12:2

“Behold, Yahuah is my Salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Yahuah Elohim is my Strength and my Song, and He has become my Salvation (by fulfilling His Promise to send a Messiah).” 3 With joy you will draw water from the Wells of Salvation."

Again, Isaiah is speaking of the Age of Aquarius. You see, Yahuah “preached the Gospel” to all the Prophets using The Book of the Mazzaroth and they described the Plan of Salvation as foretold in the heavens in great detail. The Heavenly Scroll (Mazzaroth/Zodiac) was literally, the foundation of Revelation to the Prophets. If the Age of Aquarius is speaking of the Kingdom Age, shouldn’t we have some type of rehearsal during the Fall Feasts of Yahuah as a shadow picture of what Isaiah is referring to in his prophetic utterances?




The Festival of Water Libation

The Festival of Water Libation on the last Great Day of Sukkot IS the rehearsal for the Age of Aquarius! Read about the Festival of Water Libation from The Temple Mount Institutes website:


Also called “the Water Drawing Ceremony” ...


Each year on Sukkot, which is the celebration of the Beginning of the Millennial Kingdom (The Age of Aquarius), there was a water ceremony on the Temple Mount where the priests drew “living water” from the well. Then the priests would pour that water over the Altar to Mikveh the Altar. This was a rehearsal of what the Prophet Isaiah spoke of in Isaiah 44:3 and Isaiah 12. This was the meaning behind the Water Ceremony on the last day of Sukkot… it was a celebration of the coming day when we would see ‘Yahuah’s Salvation’, and He would pour out His Spirit, and we would “draw Living Water from the Wells of Salvation (Yahusha)”. Yahusha attended that Water Ceremony on the last Great Day of the Feast of Sukkot. Just as the priests were drawing living water from that well, as all stood by in eager expectation, watching the elaborate spectacle of priests dancing around and such... Yahusha stood up and literally screamed out loud, so that everyone would hear him… well, let’s just read it:

John 7:38, 37

Now on the last day, the great day of the Feast of Sukkot, Yahusha stood [up] and cried out in a loud voice, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38 "He who believes in me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water.'"

Apparently, Yahusha said that Isaiah was speaking of him specifically and naming him by name! That is exactly what Isaiah did. Let’s take a closer look at that Scripture.

Isaiah 12:2

“Behold, Yahuah is my Salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Yahuah Elohim is my Strength and my Song, and he has become my Salvation (by Fulfilling His Word to send a Messiah).” 3 With joy you will draw Water from the Wells of [Yahuah’s] Salvation.

At the end of verse 3 above, ‘Yahuah’ is implied; there is NO Salvation outside of Him. So, the end of that verse, we could add the word that is implied, and it would legally read “Yahuah’s Salvation”. The translators left “Yahuah” out because it is implied. We know that Yahu’sha is a contracted sentence name (many names were back then, they gave Yahuah Glory as it was a common practice among the Hebrews to take a word and attach it to Yahuah then contracting it down to a name with meaning). We know that Yahu’sha is a contraction of Yahuah and Yasha (Salvation). So Yahseph and Miriam contracted the phrase “Yahuah is my Salvation” into Yahu’sha, and that is the name of the Messiah (as they were told to do by the Angel Messenger of Yahuah who announced the birth of the Messiah). Because as we will see, the name of the Messiah comes alive in the Torah/Prophets! Simply use the contraction Yahu’sha in replace of “Yahuah is Salvation” or “Yahuah is my Savior” or “Salvation of Yahuah”.

We know that with any contraction, you can replace the longer form in a sentence with the contraction; without changing the meaning of the sentence…

Example: Don’t. The English word ‘don’t’ is a contraction of “do not”. Whenever you see “do not” in a sentence, you can legally replace it with the contracted form “don’t” without changing the meaning of the sentence.  Same is true in Hebrew. Let’s do that in the Scripture in question:

Isaiah 12:2

“Behold, Yahusha; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for Yahuah Elohim is my Strength and my Song, and he has become my Salvation (by Fulfilling His Promise of a Messiah).” 3 With joy you will draw Water from the Wells of Yahusha.

You see, Yahusha knew that verse too, and he knew Isaiah was speaking of him. He also knew the Plan of Salvation foretold in the Book of the Mazzaroth, the Heavenly Scroll (it was passed down to him by the Prophet Daniel), and that the fulfillment would come at the “end of the age”. That is what Yahusha told his disciples:

Matthew 28:20

“and teaching them to obey everything I have Commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (of Pisces, when he returns in the Age of Aquarius).”

We should never have expected Yahusha to return “at any minute, or in a twinkling of an eye” because Ages are 2,000 years in duration! We turned a deaf ear to the message Proclaimed to all the Earth by the Zodiac (Psalms 19).

Psalm 19

1 The heavens (stars and constellations) Declare the Glory of Yahuah; the skies Proclaim the work of His Hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal Knowledge. 3 They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. 4 Yet their voice goes out into all the Earth, their words to the ends of the Age. In the heavens (among the Stars and Constellations) Yahuah has pitched a tent for the sun (the Zodiac). 5 It is like a Bridegroom (Yahusha) coming out of his chamber (to wed the Bride, Remnant Israel), like a champion (Conquering King) rejoicing to run his course (through the ecliptic). 6 It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit (Zodiac means circuit of circle or path) to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Yahusha, just like all the Prophets, knew the Plan of Salvation written in the Stars and what the Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer really meant! That is why they celebrated the Festival of Water Libation on the last day of Sukkot by drawing living water out of a well and pouring out on the Altar. They just missed the physical to Spiritual parallel, but it did not escape our Messiah! Nor does it escape ME 2,000 years later. We need to have “eyes to see” the Mazzaroth, and “ears to hear” its message!

Yahusha knew the Scriptures in Isaiah named him by name. He knew the Plan of Salvation in the Zodiac and the meaning of the Age of Aquarius the Water Bearer. He knew what that Water Ceremony was all about and that is why he… stood and cried out, saying...

"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink!”

In front of the High Priest, all the Temple Priests, and all of Israel who were gathered on the Greatest Day of the Feast of Sukkot to draw living water from the well! Yahusha knew HE was “the Water Bearer of Aquarius” who would pour out Living Water and Mikveh Yahuah’s Creation and liberate it from sin/death at the Beginning of the next “age” … That Age is Aquarius the Water Bearer.


Yahusha in Hebrew literally means “Salvation of Yahuah” … so we draw water from the Wells of Yahusha The Living Water.

Isaiah 12:3

12 In that day you will say: “I will praise you, Yahuah. Although you were angry with me, Your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. 2 Surely Yahuah is my Salvation (Yahusha); I will trust and not be afraid. Yahuah Himself, is my Strength and my Defense; He has become my Salvation.” 3 With joy you will draw water from the Wells of (Yahuah’s) Salvation (Yahu’sha). 4 In that day you will say: “Give Praise to Yahuah, Proclaim His Name; make known among the nations what He has done, and Proclaim that His Name is Exalted. 5 Sing to Yahuah, for He has done Glorious things; let this be known to all the world. 6 Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for Great is the Holy One of Israel among you.”



The Sabbatarian Network provides information on the following numbers, words, and combinations of the following numbers, and words, and many more: 1, 2, 7, 15, 24, 40, 616, 666, 144000, Abel, Abib, abominations, abortion, Abraham, Acts, Adam, aggelos, Aish, Alexander Hislop, allegories, altar, analogies, ancient, angel, annual, anoint, anthr